


Infant Choking.

Burrell Jull 0 Comments

As a parent, it's natural to worry about your child's well-being, especially when it comes to their safety. One common concern is the risk of infants choking. Choking can happen suddenly and without warning, making it a distressing situation for parents. However, by learning what to do in the event of an infant choking,...
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The CPR protocol and what to expect.

Burrell Jull 0 Comments

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, commonly known as CPR, is a life-saving technique that combines chest compressions and rescue breathing to restore blood circulation and oxygenation in individuals experiencing cardiac arrest or respiratory emergencies. Understanding when and how to perform CPR is crucial, as it can significantly improve the chances of survival for someone in distress
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Can You Do CPR if You’re Not Certified?

Burrell Jull 0 Comments

Imagine that you’re at work when a coworker suddenly collapses. They are experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest. You may not know the underlying reason for their condition, and you do not know how to help them. You vaguely remember the basics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but is that enough? Can you do CPR if you’re...
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Important Skills To Have When Administering First Aid

Burrell Jull 0 Comments

Imagine that you’re working at your office, eating dinner at your table, or walking down the road. Then, one moment, you hear a thud, and a coworker, family member, or stranger collapses. What will you do? How will you help them in this moment of crisis? Here are the most important skills to have...
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What Cardiac Arrest in Pediatrics Is Most Commonly Caused By

Burrell Jull 0 Comments

Children should live their youth free from medical worries and health problems. However, this idealistic vision of childhood doesn’t account for accidents, preexisting health conditions, and more. Kids sometimes face unforeseen health challenges. If you want to learn more about cardiac arrest in particular, here is what cardiac arrest in pediatrics is most commonly...
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Frequently Asked Questions

We list all of our BLS CPR and Heart Saver CPR AED Classes at 2.5 hours long. Often, classes end up being less than two hours.

We have an office in Elmwood Park, Schaumburg and Warrenville. If you have a group we can come to you!

Wear something comfortable. We will be practicing hands-on skills during class, such as compressions, that require physical activity.

Don’t worry, it’s not that difficult. It’s designed to get you to pass, not fail. You may not even be required to take a traditional test where you answer questions and mark your answer if you take a classroom only course.

The American Heart Association requires everyone to come in person to complete their hands-on skills. You can take an all in person class or a hybrid (part online & part in person) class.

In class we will cover how to perform CPR, how to use an AED, and choking relief for adults, children, and infants.

Absolutely! Our Elmwood Park office is only a few blocks outside Chicago which allows us free parking and lower prices! If you have a group of people we can come to your location.

We offer the PALS Certification Classes several times a month. Use our sign up program to view upcoming classes and sign up online.

We offer the American Heart Association BLS Provider Certification and the American Heart Association Heart Saver CPR AED Certification. Use our sign up program to view upcoming classes and sign up online.