The extensive online 1st aid training is an integral part of the overall learning objectives for the class. After registering, you will receive a link to the Red Cross learning center. The website will prompt you to create an account, enabling you to launch the training. This training needs to be completed prior to the inperson session. Plan for 3.25 hours to complete it.
The online portion of the training sets the table for the inperson session as it relates to CPR/AED, choking, control of bleeding and EpiPen use for all ages. But it also further prepares you for the sudden onset of illnesses that may arise including strokes, shock, asthma attacks, anaphylaxis, opioid overdose, and diabetic emergencies. High fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration in young children and infants is also covered exclusively in the online portion of the Red Cross training.